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5 Tips to Speed Up Your Rhinoplasty Recovery Time

3 Min Read

Facial asymmetry, nasal deformities, and airway blockages are the main reasons people seek rhinoplasty surgery. 

A woman before and after her rhinoplasty surgery.

Rhinoplasty, or a nose job, is among the five most popular plastic surgery procedures performed each year.

This surgery reshapes the nose to improve the overall contour while addressing bothersome complications caused by a large nose.

Why Do Patients Choose Rhinoplasty?

There are many reasons why patients may want to have rhinoplasty surgery, including:

  • Reducing the size of the nasal tip
  • Correcting the appearance of a rounded or bulbous nasal tip
  • Removing nasal humps or bumps
  • Addressing facial asymmetry due to a large nose
  • Improving breathing by correcting a deviated septum

After your rhinoplasty, you can ensure a smooth and speedy recovery by listening to Dr. Calabria’s post-operative instructions and following the tips offered below.

What Are 5 Tips to Speed Up Rhinoplasty Recovery Time?

1. Get Plenty of Rest

If you want to ensure a speedy and safe recovery, you must allow yourself plenty of time to rest.

The recovery timeline generally varies from patient to patient, but those who do not rush their recovery seem to recover at a faster rate.

It would help if you planned to have someone care for you the first day of your recovery to ensure you do not overwork yourself after the surgery.

2. Do Not Blow Your Nose

If extensive modifications were performed, soft splints might be inserted inside the nose which might make it difficult to blow your nose. 

Regardless, it would be best to refrain from blowing your nose after rhinoplasty surgery for at least two weeks. This could disrupt the healing process and cause bleeding.

A woman before and after her rhinoplasty surgery.

3. Do Not Smoke

You should avoid smoking for at least four weeks or until you are cleared to resume by Dr. Calabria.

Nicotine in your system can restrict blood vessels and block the nutrients from reaching the treatment area, resulting in improper healing.

Smoking can also significantly slow down the recovery process by increasing the likelihood of complications.

4. Be Patient

After a few weeks, you will be able to see partial results from your rhinoplasty surgery; however, the final results may take up to a full year to develop. 

You must be patient through the recovery process and allow extra time to heal. Do not feel discouraged if your results take longer to appear.

5. Avoid Heavy Lifting

You should refrain from strenuous exercise and heavy lifting until cleared to do so by Dr. Calabria.

Although you should not feel extensive pain during the healing process, you will want to avoid putting your nose in any situation where it can be injured. 

Have More Questions?

You can view Dr. Calabria’s photo gallery to see the rhinoplasty results he has helped his patients achieve. If you would like to request your consultation with Dr. Calabria, call our Palm Springs office at (760) 836-0077 or contact us online.