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Brow Lift in Palm Springs, CA

Brow Lift ModelThe eye area plays a crucial role in communicating emotion and receptivity. Ideally, the eyebrows should rest above the orbital rim with the tail end arching outward and upward. Over time, the brows tend to flatten and sag, which can cause you to look distraught. Sagging eyebrows can also disrupt the natural contours of the face, leading to a tired and aged appearance. A brow lift corrects these facial imperfections, resulting in a refreshed and pleasant overall aesthetic.

What Is a Brow Lift?

A brow lift, also sometimes referred to as a forehead lift or upper facial rejuvenation, is a plastic surgery technique that addresses signs of age on the upper third of the face, extending from the hairline to just above the eyes. Essentially, this surgery addresses lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin on the forehead and sagging brows (eyebrow laxity).

By tightening the muscles and tissues in the forehead, a sagging brow can be raised, thereby eliminating excess pressure put on the eyelids.

While early brow lift techniques required a surgical incision across the hairline (or just behind the hairline) to access tissues, newer, more advanced techniques allow for smaller incisions and more precise corrections with the aid of an endoscope.

What Are the Benefits of a Brow Lift?

Men and women choose brow lift surgery because if the following benefits:

  • Raises, better-arched eyebrows
  • Reduction of forehead lines
  • Minimizes a tired or angry look
  • Helps open up the eyes (when upper eyelid hooding is caused by pressure from the brows)
  • Natural-looking results
  • Longer-lasting results than offered with non-surgical treatments like BOTOX® Cosmetic

Am I a Brow Lift Candidate?

Patients seeking brow lift surgery to restore youthfulness to their face must be in good health and have realistic expectations of the surgery. Those with compound issues around the eyes may benefit from a brow lift in combination with other facial procedures; for example, someone with sagging brows and drooping eyelids may need to combine brow lift surgery with blepharoplasty for optimal results. Dr. Calabria will evaluate the condition of your eye and forehead area during your consultation. Ideal candidates for brow lift surgery can relate to any of the following concerns:

  • Sagging inner or outer eyebrows
  • Frown lines between the eyebrows
  • Obscured upper eyelid caused by drooping eyebrows

Additionally, brow lift candidates should:

  • Not smoke or be willing to quit before and after the surgery
  • Have no medical conditions that can impair the healing process
  • Understand that plastic surgery has its limits

There is no age requirement for brow lift surgery as every patient experiences skin laxity at their own rate.

How Is a Brow Lift Performed?

When executed correctly, brow lift surgery results in conservative improvements to the brow and forehead area so as not to distort your natural characteristics. To correct sagging eyebrows gently and naturally, Dr. Calabria performs a minimally invasive procedure called an endoscopic brow lift. This technique involves inserting a tiny camera through several small incisions in the scalp to view the surgical site without causing unnecessary trauma to the area. The tissue under the skin is then adjusted, and the incisions are closed. An endoscopic brow lift can provide you with a quicker recovery as well as less numbness of the surgical site. Additionally, any scarring is completely hidden behind the hairline.

What Can I Expect From My Brow Lift Recovery?

Recovery is different for everyone, but patients who undergo brow lift surgery will need to rest and use cold compresses for a few days after surgery. It is recommended to be mildly active during the first week of recovery to aid circulation, but strenuous activities and heavy lifting must be avoided for about one month to allow for adequate and thorough healing. Dr. Calabria will provide you with detailed post-op instructions for incision aftercare and what types of medication you can take to alleviate mild discomfort.

When Will I See My Brow Lift Results?

It takes six months to see the final result from brow lift surgery. Brow lift surgery is a permanent enhancement, but it does not stop the natural aging process. Although post-op signs of aging should be fairly mild, it is important to engage in preventative measures, such as adequate sun protection, to maintain your results for longer.

Frequently Asked Questions About Brow Lift Surgery

How should I prepare for my brow lift?

Dr. Calabria will provide you with detailed instructions regarding how to prepare for your brow lift during your consultation. Typically, you will be asked to refrain from smoking and blood-thinning medications (including aspirin, ibuprofen, NSAIDs, and blood-thinning herbal supplements) for at least 10 to 14 days before and after surgery. As brow lift surgery is performed with anesthesia, you will also need to arrange for someone to drive you to and from your surgical appointment.

Do I need a brow lift or eyelid surgery?

Many people suffering from upper face laxity are confused about the surgery that will best address their needs. Brow lift surgery is performed to address drooping eyebrows, wrinkles between the brows, and forehead laxity. Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) is performed when the aging signs are limited to the upper and lower eyelids. Commonly, patients choose to combine these two procedures for more significant correction to their upper-face laxity.

Should I combine my brow lift with a facelift?

Brow lift surgery is ideal for those who experience aging in the upper face. Unfortunately, most people do not only show aging signs in the brows and forehead. Instead, fine lines, wrinkles, and skin laxity is evenly distributed across the face. This is why many men and women choose to undergo a facelift at the same time as their brow lift. While some patients choose to undergo a vertical facelift, others choose another option like a one stitch facelift or an adjustable facelift.

Is there a non-surgical alternative to a brow lift?

While there is no non-surgical treatment that can match the results of a brow lift, some patients with minimal brow laxity can experience significant improvement with injectable treatments, like facial fillers. These non-surgical treatments can restore volume loss and minimize the appearance of lines and wrinkles around the temples.

What about a “BOTOX® brow lift?”

Many people hear the phrase BOTOX® brow lift and become instantly interested in it. We understand this, since BOTOX® Cosmetic is a non-surgical injectable that treats many of the same areas addressed with a surgical brow lift. That being said, there are differences between these two treatments, and they are not interchangeable. BOTOX® Cosmetic minimizes dynamic wrinkles, which are the ones caused by repeated muscle movements. This can include forehead lines, frown lines between the brows, and the muscles around the brow. That being said, it cannot tighten loose muscles. Because of this, a BOTOX®brow lift cannot match the extent or longevity of correction offered with a traditional brow lift.

Will my brow lift provide permanent results?

The results from a brow lift will last for several years — if not decades. While it is long lasting, brow lift surgery cannot stop the natural aging process, and some laxity may return.

To learn more about brow lift surgery and other facial rejuvenation techniques performed by Dr. Calabria, please call (760) 836-0077 or contact us online to schedule your consultation.